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關於Derma Derma——丹麥純淨且經認證的護膚品的先驅
我們一直對我們的理念和產品保持開放和誠實。我們所有的產品都在丹麥的DermaPharm A/S生產,我們的團隊由100名技術熟練的專業人員組成,專注於始終如一地生產最純淨的高品質產品。
事實上,Derma是丹麥第一家推出完整護膚系列的品牌,其所有產品都帶有北歐官方環保標誌「天鵝標誌」和丹麥哮喘過敏協會標誌。如今,幾乎所有Derma的產品都獲得了北歐天鵝標誌、AllergyCertified過敏認證,並受到Asthma Allergy Nordic的推薦。此外,我們的Derma Eco Baby系列和Derma Eco Woman系列還獲得了Ecocert的有機認證。這讓我們非常自豪。
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#丹麥護膚品 #純淨護膚 #過敏認證 #有機認證 #北歐天鵝標誌 #健康成分 #透明護膚 #純淨品質
Derma - Denmark's pioneer in pure and certified skin care
Derma was founded in 2006 as a Danish counterpart to the established beauty industry. An industry that promised natural beauty, skin that looked 10 years younger and a happier life, even though their products contained perfume, parabens and dyes.
Instead, we have created a concept solely focused on pure body care – free from unnecessary chemicals. Products only formulated with healthy ingredients that nurture and protect the skin and hair.
We have always been open and honest about what we believe and what we offer. All our products are produced in Denmark at DermaPharm A/S, where our dedicated staff of 100 skilled professionals are focused on consistently achieving the purest quality products. Every time.
In fact, Derma was the first in Denmark to launch a complete skin care series, where all the products carry both the official Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the Asthma-Allergy Denmark logo. Today, almost all of Derma's products are certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, AllergyCertified and recommended by Asthma Allergy Nordic. In addition, our Derma Eco Baby series and Derma Eco Woman series are also organic certified by Ecocert. And we’re actually quite proud of that.
Read more about our certifications.
Read more about our promise to you and our planet.
Derma 在半個世紀前於丹麥誕生,以生產專業醫療洗護用品起家,因此對於成分上的要求比一般洗護品更加嚴謹。